Camp Registration is Open!

Blog Camp Reg is Open

Good news: registration is open for Camp Pecometh Summer 2021!  We are so excited for summer camp to be back! Our staff are working hard to make it a memorable summer.

To get started: 

Camp is happening this summer, but there will be a few changes. You will notice some of our programs are not being offered this summer, or offered fewer times throughout the summer. We will be operating at 50% capacity for the safety of our campers and staff. Programs may have adjusted content and schedules, but we strived to maintain the foundation of every program we plan to offer. 

We follow the guidance of the State of Maryland, and we will be required to make a few changes to the atmosphere of camp in accordance with current CDC guidelines for camps. This will include wearing masks, distancing from campers in other programs, and daily health checks. Please read our 2021 Camp Pecometh COVID-19 FAQ for details, including expectations for campers prior to reporting to camp.

Know that our goal is the health and safety of our campers, families and staff. 

Read the Summer Staff FAQ  for more details and important info for your application. 

While we are not physically in the office all the time, we are monitoring our Help Chat on our website M-F, 9 AM – 4 PM. You can also reach out to us via email or using the Staff Directory page on our website. 


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