Save the Date: Registration Opening Soon!

Blog Camp Reg Opens Feb 23Mark your calendar! We are excited to announce Camp Pecometh Summer 2021 registration opens on February 23rd! Our program offerings are updated on the website, so you can get started planning which programs you want to register for.

You can also click here for our Dates and Rates page to see everything in one place.

We are excited for camp to open, but there will be a few changes. You will notice some of our programs are not being offered this summer, or offered fewer times throughout the summer. We will be operating at 50% capacity for the safety of our campers and staff. Programs will have adjusted content and schedules, but we strived to maintain the foundation of every program we plan to offer. 

We follow the guidance of the State of Maryland, and we may be required to make a few changes to the atmosphere of camp. This could include: wearing masks for parts of the day and during activities, distancing from campers in other programs, and daily health checks. 

Know that our goal is the health and safety of our campers, families and staff. 

New Program: LEAD

We also want to mention a brand new program for 2021 that we are really excited about. We have made the decision to discontinue our Director’s Leadership Week and Staff-In-Training programs.

In their place we have created an even better program we are calling LEAD (Learn. Engage. Apply. Do). LEAD encompasses the best parts of DLW and SIT and presents a more engaging and richer experience.  More information and the application are available on the LEAD Page on our website. 

Early Access to Registration

While registration opens to the public on February 23, you can click the photo below to sign up for access to registration a couple of days early! Click the photo below to sign up. 


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