2018 Vegetable Sale Orders!

Grace Garden at Pecometh wants to help you with your garden this year! We wanted a way to give back to the churches and people that have helped our garden grow. 

Pick-up Times: May 12th and May 19th
Time: 10:00am-2:00pm
Where: Grace Garden Greenhouse
Prices: $1.00 each – 4″ pots (Tomatoes)
             $2.00 each – 4 cell pack (All Others)

We are offering plants at wholesale prices from our greenhouse which includes: 

Better Bush Tomato Flamingo Pepper
Yellow Brandy Master Tomato North Star Pepper
Rutgers Tomato Banana Pepper
Grapette Tomato Cucumbers
Nature Bites Tomato Cantaloupes
Chef’s Choice Green Tomato Watermelons
Early Summer Pepper Herbs

To place an order please email Sara Bedwell. If you are unable to pick up your order at either of these dates, Sara can arrange another pick up time. 

View the full availability list below: 


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