Support Pecometh and Magnify Your Impact

Support PecomethThis year Pecometh has faced challenges like never before. COVID has caused us to adjust our operations, spending, and fundraising.  We know God will continue to provide through people like you, and we’re excited to share a way that you can support Pecometh and magnify your impact. 

First the financial challenge. We will end 2020 with $1.165 million less in operating income than 2019. We’ve responded with reduced expenses, government grants and increased donor support. Thanks to our churches, and individual donors, donations have increased significantly. God is providing, and month-by-month we are getting through this together.

Next, the program challenge. In addition to cancelling summer camp, over 60% of our guest groups have cancelled since mid-March. Those who are coming have drastically reduced numbers. However, we are still doing what we can to serve others to provide a much needed connection to God and Creation.

Here are some highlights:

The Ewings

  • We opened our pool and waterfront this summer, serving over 800 guests with swimming, canoeing, kayaking, fishing and walking the beautiful property.
  • We developed innovative programming such as online retreats, outdoor yoga and a Parenting through Pandemic online support and training program.
  • Last month we served over 100 children, youth and adults at our “Dino S’mores” interactive trail walk. Families encountered dinosaur bones and eggs, a shipwrecked pirate and a mad scientist as they trekked through Pecometh’s eerily lit trails

We have continued our focus on helping clergy and churches lead through this difficult time. We held Local Pastors Licensing School in July, Residence in Ministry in August and our Clergy Leadership Track in September.


Clergy commented that these times helped them feel connected and were immediately able to use what they had learned.

One participant said, “We all need this.”

Or, as Rev. Jake Macklin commented:

“These couple of days at Pecometh have been very meaningful. Through the discussions around family systems, the post pandemic church, and conversations with colleagues, I feel rested and renewed. Pecometh is like a huge fountain of water that I can come and drink from when I am thirsty and tired from ministry. I am grateful for this place and all those that donate their time and financial generosity to make it available to clergy like myself.”

Will you consider supporting Pecometh with a donation? We expect the first half of 2021 to continue to be a challenge, but we know God will continue to provide through supporters like you. Every gift makes a difference.

I’m also pleased to share that the Charles and Christine Shivery Foundation has offered a $25,000 Challenge Gift if 25 people will sign up as recurring monthly donors. You can help us unlock this gift by signing up to make a recurring donation (by credit card or ACH). 

Whatever you can give will make a difference. Thank you for the value you place on this ministry’s impact on children, youth and adults through camp, retreat and challenge course programs. With your help, we continue to develop principled Christian leaders for the church and the world.


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