With a heavy heart, the staff and board of Camp Pecometh have made the difficult decision to suspend day and overnight camp programsfor the 2020 summer season. Please watch this video from our Executive Director and Camp Programs Coordinator for our full announcement, or read the transcript to follow.
Greetings from Camp Pecometh. You may know that our staff has worked hard to find a way to run summer camp as safely as possible and give campers a great experience of faith, fun and fellowship.
Our hope for summer camp this year was to achieve our mission to provide God-inspired, life changing experiences. Restructuring camp according to American Camp Association and CDC guidelines would have enabled those who feel comfortable with sending a child to camp to do so, while those who did not could wait until next year. We respect the decision of each individual camper family and were prepared to move forward on this basis.
Two uncertainties weighed heavily on our decision.
First, we were uncertain as to when, if at all, Maryland would permit overnight camp to operate. As of this announcement, we still don’t know. Second, recent guidance from the state of Maryland indicates that even if overnight camps are permitted, we would not be allowed to serve campers from out of state, which is nearly half of our camper population. The guidance also indicated that we may have to follow safety requirements even more stringent than what the ACA has recommended, deeply impacting the quality of program that we are so proud to offer here at Pecometh.
These uncertainties would require us to put Camp Pecometh’s long-term ability to serve at risk financially, while also offering programming that eliminates so much of what makes Camp Pecometh special to our campers. Therefore, sadly, we have no choice but to suspend summer camp programming for this summer.
We are grateful for the patience of each family that has waited for this decision. We are offering three options to registered camper families who have made payments. First: you can get a full refund. Second: you can roll over your fees to 2021. Third: you can donate all or part of your fees to support camp during these difficult times.
We know every situation is different and some of you have been hurt economically by this pandemic. We understand that you need to decide what’s in the best interests of your family.
However, if you are able to choose to roll over or donate, we will provide you with priority registration for the 2021 season when the program schedule is announced. You will also know that you are helping Pecometh weather these challenging times. You can learn more about the options and let us know your choice by visiting the COVID-19 & Camp FAQ.
Finally, just because summer camp is cancelled, it doesn’t mean Pecometh will remain closed. Our staff is now preparing affordable options for families to experience God’s creation at Pecometh. Our timetable for a July reopening is still in place. It won’t be summer camp, but it will be faith, fun and fellowship for families that need it. Stay tuned. We can’t wait to see smiling faces here at camp again soon.
Nothing anyone has experienced in the past few months is familiar or comfortable. The suffering is widespread. What we do know is that, with God’s help, we will get through this. Our hope is that Camp Pecometh can help you along your way. Thank you, and God bless.
Supporting Pecometh
The Pecometh Team trusts that God will continue to provide in this difficult time. If you are financially able and feel called to support our ministries, please consider making an online donation.