To say Jean Wothers has the love of Pecometh in her heart would be an understatement. As a young girl the church she attended offered to send Jean and her sister to Camp Pecometh for a week in the summer. She had heard her Sunday School teachers speak of Pecometh and she was so very excited for the opportunity. Jean recalls being disappointed when circumstances changed, and she was unable to attend. She made up her mind right then and there that when she was older, somehow, someway she would get to Camp Pecometh. Fast forward to present day, now Jean believes her car can find its way to Pecometh on its own!
Between her own children, Randy and Karen, attending camp until they aged out of the program and became staff, to her grandson, Weston, currently working on our summer staff, to Jean and her husband, Bill, hosting groups for the Bike Hike Program, and raising funds supporting Pecometh; Jean certainly made her way to Pecometh.
Jean belongs to Felton United Methodist Church and since the 1970’s she has been heavily involved with the upkeep and maintenance of the Felton Cabin on Marsh Hill (formerly Boys Hill).
She remembers her brother, along with other members of her congregation, pouring the cement slab that served as an entrance to the cabin. Jean claims “our whole church and a certain dedicated crew each year …makes everything come together, especially Jeannie Wood who has been faithfully by (her) side in every aspect since we adopted Felton Cabin.”
“Taking care of the cabin makes us feel we are paying back for all the good times we had at Pecometh.”
Jean, her family, and the Felton UMC congregation are a blessing Pecometh is so very grateful for. When asked what taking care of Felton Cabin and Pecometh means to Jean, her response was “taking care of the cabin makes us feel we are paying back for all the good times we have had at Pecometh.”
Jean, thank you for not only finding your way to Pecometh, but for all you have, and continue to selflessly give to Pecometh, so that others too may find their way.