Not a sprint but a marathon

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If ever the saying,  “This is a marathon, not a sprint” were true, it is now. Unfortunately, we are still in the midst of a pandemic.  However, at Pecometh we have been blessed to do ministry without serious health issues, thus far.  And we have our generous supporters to thank for it. 

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s to take nothing for granted. Who could have thought that we’d ever have a summer without summer camp? And just when we thought things were returning to something close to normal, the delta variant hit. Despite these and many more challenges, Pecometh continues to remain strong and continues to provide God-inspired, life-changing experiences. 

Here are a few highlights from 2021: 

Camp Ministry: Camp is back!  Despite unprecedented challenges, your support made it possible for us to serve 429 overnight campers and 137 day campers.  Each camper experienced a life-changing opportunity. Once again, thank you!

Retreat Ministry: The Center for Clergy Excellence has become The Center for Vital Leadership!   Since 2015 our leadership development programs have grown in impact and demand, so much so that we now serve the Baltimore-Washington Conference in the same capacity. Pecometh is poised to be a major resource for the church’s critical need for Principled Christian Leaders.

Financial Picture: One of the greatest pandemic challenges to Pecometh has been financial. With PPP grants, and generous direct support, we have made it so far.  I am cautiously optimistic that our future will be just fine, and Pecometh’s place in the future of the church is secure.  Thanks again for all who have prayed for us or given financially.

Finally, it’s always a pleasure to share about Pecometh’s impact. We received a letter from a grandmother whose grandson was a long-time camper who worked on summer staff this year. She wrote:

“I saw this boy mature right before our eyes! Everyone treated him with such kindness, and he took on responsibility with a passion. His whole demeanor changed….always a smile on his face and couldn’t wait to start another week. You know Camp Pecometh has always held a special place in our hearts and is now embedded in his. He can’t wait for next summer. So, thanks for playing such a crucial part in our grandson’s life.”

Support Pecometh

Pecometh does everything possible to provide quality programs that are affordable. Our donors help to ensure that can happen year after year. Your gift helps us support ongoing operations, provide camperships, upgrade facilities, and prepare for the future.

If you’d like to support Pecometh, please keep us in your prayers, and consider making a donation

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