Has Camp made a difference in your life? #GivingTuesday is on December 2 this year, and we’re challenging you to help give the gift of camp!
You Want to Pass It On
If you have been a camper or staffer in the last couple decades, the words “Pass It On” probably conjure up memories of singing in the quiet calm of our Galilean service.
That’s how it is with God’s love
Once you experience it,
You spread his love to everyone
You want to pass it on.*
It’s no coincidence that many of us feel that same way about Camp. We want to pass it on!
We want to invite our friends and family to experience the indescribable feelings we have in the Outdoor Chapel.
We hope that the young people in our lives to have the kind of life-long friendships that started for us at camp.
We want the kids we know to be welcomed into the camp family, and experience the love and care of Christian community.
We want to pass it on, because God became real to us in so many special ways at Camp and we want the same for our loved ones.
Passing The Camp Experience On
Our Pecometh staff believe that it is more important than ever to share the camp experience with children and youth.
You may have read how we gave out 246 camperships this year, totaling over $67,000.
Or maybe you read about Jaylyn. The Spain Grant campership program made it possible for him to come to camp during a very stressful time in his family. Camp was a chance for him to focus on being a child.
We are very proud of those stories, but we also think your story is important.
How did Camp make a difference in your life?
What is it about Camp that you want to share with the young people in your life?
Can you think of young people in your community who would be blessed by Camp, but whose families can’t afford to send them?
This Giving Tuesday we are making a special appeal for donations to the Campership Fund.
#GivingTuesday is a movement that started in 2012, as a reaction against all the crazy consumerism during the Christmas season.
After Thanksgiving the US “celebrates” Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday… and now Giving Tuesday, a time to donate to worthy charities that make the world a better place.
What a great way to kick off the season of giving!
This year, our Giving Tuesday campaign is focused on passing the camp experience on to campers who are in need of financial assistance.
Our Campership Fund has been well supported over the past few years, but we have also increased the number of camperships we award each year.
Will you help us make sure that we never have to turn campers away because of financial need?
If Camp has made a difference in your life, please consider making a donation to our Campership fund on Giving Tuesday.
You can do that at our #GivingTuesday Crowdrise Page (please share the page with your friends too!). You can also set up a recurring donation at our giving page hosted by Network for Good.
Fundraising Websites – Crowdrise
*From “Pass It On” by Kurt Kaiser