Why Camp is Great, According to Campers

Why campers love Camp Pecometh!Who doesn’t love to getting letters and thank you notes? Here at Pecometh, one of the highlights of opening the mail is when we get a letter from a camper.

We thought we’d share a few excerpts from thank you letters we got from campers last year. After all, who better to explain why Camp Pecometh is the Best Week Ever?

Here are some of our favorite quotes from campers, with the original grammer and spelling preserved (we always love the variety of spellings for “Galilean.”)

“I had a great time at camp during the week. The campfire and Stargazing were great memories that I will always cherish. Even kayaking was fun, even though I messed up during it. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed having me as your camper.”

– DJ

“Camp was so much fun and it also helped me to feel closer to God. For example, in Bible study, I learned that God loves you no matter what. Also, I felt very close to God through Galilea. The songs we sang also touched my heart. Thanks again! I had so much fun at camp.”

– Chaily

Why campers love Camp Pecometh!

“The activities in camp were fun as well. Swimming, kayaking, canoing, splashdown, the campfires and the nature discovery were all fun. The carnival on Wendsday was the best time of my life. Ring toss, balloon animals, football tossing, and just hanging out were the best. Camp Pecometh has changed the way I see God. I realized that He is in everyone.”

– Djimon

“I had a great time. I enjoyed tubing and kneeboarding the most. It’s the best camp I’ve ever been to :-). I also like how you teach us about God in fun ways like music time. Galilean was so beautiful. It was a really nice service. Thank you so much :-)”

– Autumn

“I had a very good time at the splashdown camp. It was very fun going tubing in the Chester river. Our counselor was very nice so you can congratulate him for what he did and for helping me through tough times. It helped me learn more about God and God’s love for me. I enjoyed Bible study every day. I just want to say thank you to all the staff for their help.”

– Norman

“I would like to thank everyone at camp pecometh for watching me and feeding me. my counselor taught me fun game and she was awesome. and showing god loves me.”

– Jaltia

Why campers love Camp Pecometh!

“My experience at camp pecometh was very life changing. Camp has showed me how to be a better person in so many ways. My counselor has taught me how to never give up on myself and that I should never be afraid and also to believe in myself and others. Also I want to thank everyone at camp for giving me the opportunty to learn new songs, to share laughs, and giving me the chance to get closer to God.”


“This camp made an impression on me. I was scared at first about archery but when one of your Great workers helped me I was fine. I had the greatest time I want to come back next year. Oh by the way you have amazing camp counselors. Thanks for a great summer.”

– Emily

“I would like to thank all of you guys at Camp pecometh for everything we did and everything ya’ll taught me.I had so much fun there. Also I would like to thank my counselor for taking care of me and encouraging me, she awesome. Finally I thank you for letting me try out different things and learning about god.”

– Jamya

Why campers love Camp Pecometh!

“Last year when I was at Pecometh for a week, I had so much fun doing all of the activities. My favorite activities were the hay ride, counselor hide and seek, and splash-down. Please keep these activities in your curriculum. Pecomith impacted my life by helping me trust god more and work together with my peers.”

– Regan

“Thank you for having these fun and exciting programs at camp. This is my third summer at Pecometh and it is still fun. My favorite part of camp was splashdown. Splashdown was my favorite part of camp because we went into the Chester River and played on giant inflatables. Also I made a few new friends. Thank you food and canteen too. 

While I was at camp I missed home. But later I forgot about it because I was having so much fun.”


If you would like to help a young person have an experience these kids have had, visit our Summer Camp page or download the Summer Camp brochure by clicking on the photo below.


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