Camp Counts Contest!

Camp CountsYou probably already know that camp counts in the lives of children and youth. That’s why we are asking you to help us share the camp experience with more people, and in return you’ll get a chance to win a retreat in the Talley House

Here’s How it Works:

1. Promote camp in your church, Sunday School, and youth ministry for the next two months (you can promote in the community too if you want). Here are a few resources to help you:

  • Check out the 2014 Camp Brochure. You can share with people through email and social media, and download it and print copies to hand out in church! 
  • Check out the Church Resource Page for more ideas and bulletin inserts.
  • Encourage potential camper families to come to Pecometh Day on April 26 – they’ll get a chance to see what Camp Pecometh is all about!
  • Tell people about our Camperships and see if your church can help with the cost too.  
  • Check out these tips on sharing your camp experience
2. Register at least 10 overnight campers campers by May 18. 
  • Online registration is the quickest way to register a camper, as well as to ensure s/he gets their first choice. You can contact Julie Lutz if you need assistance with online or paper registration.
  • It doesn’t matter what tier they pay, or if they are receiving camperships. 
  • Don’t have many kids in your church? That’s ok! Family and friends of church members count too… just don’t “poach” campers from other churches (that wouldn’t be very friendly)! 

3. Email Megan Gibb by May 18 with your Camp Count (a list of the registered campers you recruited). We will verify that those campers are registered, and if you have at least 10 you will be entered into the drawing! 


  • You must email your list of campers in order to be entered to win. 
  • At least 10 of the campers on the list must be already registered as of May 18.
  • One entry allowed per charge. 
  • The drawing will take place on May 19, 2014. The winning church/charge will be announced on Facebook and Twitter, and will be notified directly via email.

What’s in it For You?

Well, obviously the first benefit is investing in the spiritual and emotional development of children and youth in your midst! 

But of course, if your church or charge is the winning entry, you will also get a free 2 night stay in the Talley House (on a space available basis). If you win we’ll give you further instructions on making arrangements. 

This prize only covers the cost of renting the Talley House for 2 nights. Overnight capacity is 24 people (12 per bunk room). 

Any questions? Let us know! Comment below or ask us via email, Twitter, or Facebook

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