A Back-to-the Real World Field Guide for Camp Staff

Staff 2013It’s October, so by now our 2013 summer staff have (we hope) successfully transitioned back into the world ourside camp. To stave off the “October Blues,” here are a few lessons you’ve hopefully learned about transitioning from Camp to “The Other Nine Months” of the year. Have you had these experiences? What did I leave out?

Showering. Outside of Camp, the pool does not count as a shower.  Also, you may not have to wear shoes in the shower, unless you are in a college in which case please continue to wear shower shoes.  

Raising Your Hand.  First of all, if you raise your hand outside of Camp people probably will not instinctively quiet down and give you their attention.  Also, if you look around and people are raising your hands, you should definitely NOT just raise your hand out of habit.  Someone might call on you and expect you to answer a question.  

You Had to Be There.  Your college friends won’t get what’s cool about your swim check string still being on your ankle.  And your work friends won’t understand that sunsets at Pecometh are SO MUCH MORE AMAZING than sunsets in other places.  And that’s ok.  (You can bring them to Friends & Family Camp if you want to help them understand). 

Slamming Doors. You will cringe when someone lets the door slam behind them.  Forever. 

Camp Skills.  You’ll be amazed at the range of camp skills you can use in regular life. Those rainy day games? You never know when you’ll need them.  And there are actually jobs where it helps to have experience driving a 15 passenger van! 

Other Peoples’ Children. When you see kids running or – heaven forbid – running around barefoot you probably shouldn’t yell at them or correct them. Other people don’t like it when strangers talk to their kids.  

You Can Depend on Your Camp Friends. Our shared camp experiences bond us together in a lasting way.  And after all, “friends are friends forever…” 

Thunder and Lightening.  You will not (necessarily) immediately die if you go out in a thunderstorm. No promises though.  

Singing in Public.  People will probably look at you funny if you start singing grace in a restaurant, or try to get people singing Pharaoh, Pharoah in a public place.  

Our Lives Are Better Because of Camp.  As former Director Tom Carter said, “You and the campers will be richer because of the love you gave them while at camp.”  


Staying Connected.  If you’re looking to stay connected, the Camp Pecometh Staff Alumni Association Facebook Group is a great way for current and former summer staffers to re-connect.  (Campers, Parents, Prospective Staff and Everyone Else can stay connected by liking our Facebook Page).  

Staying Spiritually Connected.  Remember all those Friday mornings when we closed out the camp week with Communion?  In Communion we remember God’s sacrificial love for us, and also that we are re-membered (put back together, reunited) with each other when we share the bread and cup.  

This Sunday (October 6) is World Communion Sunday.  I love that this Sunday happens in October – just when I’m missing my camp friends around the world.  On World Communion Sunday, Christians around the world celebrate Communion, and remember that God’s love connects us with believers in all times and places.  

So if you participate in Communion this weekend (or if you eat bread, or drink juice or wine!), remember that God’s love binds us together even though we are scattered throughout the world.  

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