Guest Blog: The Five Things I Value about Summer Camp

The Lane Kids at Pecometh


The Value of Summer Camp is More Than Dollars and Cents. Yes, the price of camp can be a complete shock to the financial budget. But let’s take a moment and look at the value of camp not attached to the price tag.

Five Things I Value About Summer Camp

1) My kids get to experience activities as an individual.

They are not known as the son of, or the sister of, but as a camper. For 5 exciting days my kids make choices and share in activities as a camper. Raising 4 kids I find this time great for them to explore the world in a safe environment.

2) They get to interact with young adults from around the world.

Last year my children had counselors from England, Australia and South Africa. My daughter’s counselor, from South Africa, asked the girls to put on their “togs.” They were a little confused until they learned that was the word for bathing suits. The learning continued when they were asked if anyone needed to go to the “Loo.” 

3) I love to hear how they handled different situations when they return home.

My son found that having chocolate milk and cereal everyday for breakfast wasn’t the best for his stomach. When he returned to camp the following year we discussed making food choices and saving the chocolate milk and cereal for Friday’s breakfast.

4) Its great to make friends with kids across the states, not just our local community.

My kids have exchanged addresses and written a few of their campers after camp. They love making new friends. I love the buddy system at camp. One year my son walked with a friend to the nurse station every night to take his medicine. I loved hearing how my son was learning to encourage others.

5) It is great to hear them sing camp songs and tell camp stories all year long.

Randomly over the course of the year my kids will recall camp stories and break out into camp songs. Their favorite camp songs are “Baby Shark” and “Green Frog.”

Overall, the money I have spent on camp as been a great investment in my children’s summer learning. Being the mother of 3 boys, my grocery budget gets a nice break during the week of summer camp. I try to remember that when budgeting for the costs.

Stacey Lane Photo resized 600Stacey Lane is a Homeschool Mom and blogger.

You can check out her blog at


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